Friday 11 March 2016

Conservation and Improvement Project - Week Ending 11th March 2016

This week has seen significant progress inside the Hall. With the skimming of the roof completed it was possible to start adding lime wash. White lime wash was used as it adds most strength to the plaster. By mid-week it was possible for the scaffolders to remove a section of scaffold where the stage will be located. This is to allow the stage to be installed. Old timber remaining in the Hall was moved with the kind assistance of a willing community volunteer. On Thursday the Trustees met and as part of the meeting discussed the colour tones for the walls. Richard Slee's team had added sample contrasting colours to help the discussion. The Committee decided that further examples were needed to enable a final decision to be made. By the end of the week Richard Slee's team had prepared the timber panelling in readiness for painting and the metal angle that will form the edge of the new floor with the stage was on site.


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