Saturday 8 April 2017

Writing Workshop "Your memories, Your legacy"

As part of our Heritage Project we aimed at supporting greater learning about our heritage and encouraging the development of skills that enable our heritage to be recorded through the experiences of our community members.

We are very fortunate living within our community is a published author, Wendy Percival who has significant experience of researching family history and using information to create novels. In support of our Heritage Project Wendy facilitated a Writing Workshop called ‘Your memories, Your legacy’. This was attended by local community members and acted both as a stimulus for writing and to learn about research skills and approaches.

As Wendy states, “Discovering why recording personal memories is important no matter how ‘ordinary’ you think you are – the workshop provides tips, ideas and suggestions to get you started”.

Records ensure our heritage is known and understood by a wider group of people and future generations. 

Writing down our memories and experiences contribute to the knowledge we have about life throughout history.

The workshop was attended by 9 local people and through inputs from Wendy time for reflection, time for writing and time to discuss and share engaged in a significant contribution to our ‘Our Heritage’

Comments from participants.

  • “This was a very valuable and thought provoking workshop”
  • “Time to reflect which I don’t usually get”
  • “I’ve learnt that recoding my memories as part of our heritage is important”
  • “Thinking about early experiences was an emotional experience”
  • “I’ve kept a diary all my life and until now never realised how important it could be as a record of social history”
  • “Well facilitated workshop. Much preparation had gone into the workshop. A very professional approach”
  • “Sharing experiences is interesting and helps greater understanding about our heritage”
  • "The handout notes are very useful to ensure I can remember key information offered during the workshop."

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